Posted: 2011-02-27 17:31:59 EET by Eerik ( 19.430000 lat, -99.136391 lng ) | Edit
The 12 hours flight was just as painful and boring as I expected it to be.. After countless tries to find a position where it would be possible to catch some sleep we finally landed to Mexico City.
Going through the mandatory immigration, customs etc checks was pretty fast and easy, but an unpleasant surprise awaited us when we got our luggage. Our bags obviously had been searched through, and at least my bag totally looted out of anything valuable.
I wouldn't be so annoyed about losing a Sigma 70-200/2.8 lens worth around 800eur, as the bag was under responsibility of the airline and travel insurance should cover it anyway.. But I'm more than slightly annoyed about losing battery chargers of my both cameras. Only their wall cords were left, the chargers stolen.. And finding new ones in Mexico City is not going to be the easiest task.
I would suspect the bag was looted at Madrid airport by the bag handling people.. Well, we will see what we can do about those tomorrow.. Today we just found our way to the hostel and after breakfast will maybe go out to check the Mexico City zoo. We have visited it before, but Laura wasn't with us and she likes to visit zoos in different countries.
Speaking of Laura by the way, she sees to suffer of pretty serious altitude sickness.. Well, she will get used to it. Mexico City is at over 2 kilometers above sea level, so air is pretty thin.
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