Subject: Post: After having a wonderful plate of cheese and cold meats and glasses of wine we headed to Massimos place. Hes having a big house on top of a high hill just outside Pistoia. The house is kinda full of animals, around 10 cats inside and 3 wolfdogs on the yard.The wolves are something I havent seen before. The 2 female wolves are quite small and behaving just as any normal dog, but the big male one ( which also has most wolf genes of those three ) is incredible. Its really big and seems to be fast and aggressive. 2 whole raw chickens work as a dinner.. :p Latitude: Longitude: Security Code:
The wolves are something I havent seen before. The 2 female wolves are quite small and behaving just as any normal dog, but the big male one ( which also has most wolf genes of those three ) is incredible. Its really big and seems to be fast and aggressive. 2 whole raw chickens work as a dinner.. :p
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