Subject: Post: The morning was pretty much wasted, while Timo was trying to fix his rear-end leak.. In a couple of hours the antibiotics started working enough though, so we went to see a local parrot sanctuary, Macaw Mountain. They are breeding and taking care of injured or orphaned local Macaws, Parrots and other birds. We were the only visitors there now, so we got a nice private tour of the place and the birds. Latitude: Longitude: Security Code:
The morning was pretty much wasted, while Timo was trying to fix his rear-end leak.. In a couple of hours the antibiotics started working enough though, so we went to see a local parrot sanctuary, Macaw Mountain. They are breeding and taking care of injured or orphaned local Macaws, Parrots and other birds. We were the only visitors there now, so we got a nice private tour of the place and the birds.
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