Subject: Post: More diving today, or well, trying to.. Around midday we boarded Drag Queen again and she took us to two different dive sites. I had some symptoms of minor flu in the morning, a bit sore throat and ears.. They were only minor, but while diving it was impossible for me to equalize the pressure of my left ear, so my diving was "slightly" limited, not being able to go deeper than a couple of meters.Well, so much for diving today then.. Maybe better luck on Thursday morning. We also got hit by a huge monsoon rain while diving, it's now actually damn cold in here.. And on the boat it was warmer to jump to the sea with a snorkel than stay on the deck with wet clothes and massive amounts of rainwater pouring horizontally to the deck. Latitude: Longitude: Security Code:
More diving today, or well, trying to.. Around midday we boarded Drag Queen again and she took us to two different dive sites. I had some symptoms of minor flu in the morning, a bit sore throat and ears.. They were only minor, but while diving it was impossible for me to equalize the pressure of my left ear, so my diving was "slightly" limited, not being able to go deeper than a couple of meters.
Well, so much for diving today then.. Maybe better luck on Thursday morning. We also got hit by a huge monsoon rain while diving, it's now actually damn cold in here.. And on the boat it was warmer to jump to the sea with a snorkel than stay on the deck with wet clothes and massive amounts of rainwater pouring horizontally to the deck.
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